When choosing a bean supplier we needed them to be as passionate about coffee as we are. So, we travelled to far off lands in Asia, Central Africa and South America to find the perfect bean and the perfect bean supplier.
We met the farmers who have worked the land all their lives. We listened to their story and history of growing coffee plants.
We saw the different processes, in these regions, of growing and harvesting coffee beans. We learned the importance of climate and soil to the growth of the plants.
After sourcing our suppliers, we then went to work on creating our famous, unique blends at our Roastery in Basingstoke.
You can buy our great tasting Ferns Coffee Beans here.

Our Blends

Our Fairtrade blend is a smooth medium bodied coffee that has a pleasant acidity. It has rich chocolate and cacao notes in aroma and a delicate spicy finish. The blend is comprised of Arabica beans from Brazil, Columbia and Tanzania. We select only the finest and most sustainably grown beans from these regions.

One of Ferns trademark blends, our Bloody Good Coffee (BGC) is a bloody blend of 100% Arabica beans from Honduras, Peru, Brazil and DR Congo. The beans are medium roasted to highlight the complexities of flavours and textures. Described as light and fruity!

Italia Dark
Italia Dark is our full bodied darker roast, smouldering but also sweet. That’s because we combine traditional Vietnamese robusta beans with milder Santos beans from Brazil, aromatic sweet beans from Honduras and a silky medium bean from Central Africa.

Sassetta Latte
Our Sassetta Latte blend brings together an exotic mix of three beans, blended to produce and easy going espresso coffee, perfect for milk based drinks. The medium bodied coffee is smooth and sweet with a wine like acidity. Beans from Costa Rica are matched with more intense Sumatran beans and completed with a rich Vietnamese bean to make a smooth flavoursome coffee.

Sassetta Espresso
Our Sassetta Espresso is an intense coffee experience. This espresso has all the characteristics of a Milanese blend with it’s dark, rich, spicy flavour. Mixing beans from the mountains of Costa Rica and the forests of Peru with superbly flavoured beans from Vietnam, creates a well rounded coffee that packs quite a punch!

Piccadilly Special
Piccadilly Special is one of our more historic blends, dating back over 70 years. Four beans are combined in this exotic blend. It’s aroma is sweet and nutty, thanks to mild balanced Santos beans and the sweeter robusta beans from Honduras. Congolese arabica brings a fine acidity, lemon spice and chocolate and caramel tones to deliver a red berry hint to the blend. A well rounded coffee with exotic hints.